Animal looking out through cracked blinds dressed in a luxurious animal print sweater . Photo by Caroline White.

About Amy Babish: Guiding Women to Their Full Potential

Somatic Coaching, House Therapy (Feng Shui), and the Taoist Cosmic Trilogy for Deep Transformation

I'm Amy Babish, MA, LPC, ATR-BC, a seasoned coach, licensed psychotherapist, and credentialed art therapist. I'm passionate about helping women like you unlock the MORE that's been waiting for you – in your life, work, relationships, and legacy.

If you've plateaued in therapy or other personal growth modalities, you're not alone. Many women reach a point where they know there's a deeper level of fulfillment available, but they don't know how to access it. That's where I come in.
My Approach:

I believe that true transformation happens when we address the root causes of our challenges – integrating mind, body, and spirit. I draw on the wisdom of the Taoist Cosmic Trilogy, harmonizing your inner world (Human Luck), your environment (Earth Luck), and your spiritual connection (Heavenly or Cosmic Luck) to create lasting change.

My Expertise:

With over 20 years of experience and thousands of clients, I offer a unique blend of:

  • Somatic Coaching: Release trapped emotions and limiting beliefs from your body.

  • Feng Shui (House Therapy): Create a home that supports your well-being and aspirations.

  • Psycho-spiritual guidance: Connect with your intuition and align with your higher self.

I've helped clients to:

  • Dissolve intergenerational patterns: Heal ancestral trauma and step into your authentic power.

  • Overcome emotional blocks: Cultivate emotional resilience and create healthy relationships.

  • Manifest their desires: Attract a soulmate, create a sanctuary in their home, and achieve their biggest dreams.

  • Increase their vitality: Experience renewed energy, joy, and passion for life.

    With my craft, I’m a seeker and student.  My post-graduate training includes somatic modalities, NLP,  and wisdom traditions, including Taoism & House Therapy (feng shui). For over a decade ago, I’ve been one of 12 consultant facilitators for Brené Brown’s Daring Way Process.

    With over 20 years of diverse experience, I bring a unique blend of expertise and modalities to my work with clients. My experiential approach is grounded in integrity, respect, and a deep commitment to your evolution and transformation. I’m known for my humor, salt-of-the-earth grounded nature, and a touch of magic.

Within our work, I will guide you in uncovering what has felt evasive.

Years of diverse training & working with thousands of clients have made me uniquely qualified to root out what has felt evasive…even the patterns that you've been bringing to therapy for decades. 

Whatever has felt evasive to you, my experience, training, and intuition will guide you towards breakthroughs like never before.

And don’t worry—if a process doesn’t resonate with you, I always work based on consent. There’s something here for everyone.

Whether you're navigating a major life transition, seeking deeper connections in relationships, or ready to reclaim wholeness and joy, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Together, we'll create a safe, supportive space for healing, growth, and transformation that makes a lasting impact.

I’ve helped clients to somatically, emotionally, intellectually, energetically, and spiritually:

*Dissolve generational patterns of devaluing women, over-functioning / self-sacrificing, hiding one’s inner gifts and knowing, infidelity, scarcity around love and/or money, and unresolved grief, fear, shame, and rage within their lineages.

*Grow their capacity to feel the emotions and sensations so that there is a solid foundation for authentic mindset work from one’s True Self & can finally release thought patterns that have been plaguing them for decades.

*Publish bestselling books, top ranking podcasts, shift careers, double salaries in a new industry, and work 70% less even in corporate America with 200% less overwhelm.

*Feel, trust, and revel in who they truly are from their hearts, minds, pelvis, and soul not only within their relationship with themselves but also with others and their work.

*Heal and/or become asymptomatic with chronic illness and pain from asthma to migraines to gut disorders like IBS or crohn’s disease to autoimmune mystery related symptoms.

*Integrate their wholeness around being an HSP, empath, introvert, or social anxiety so that you can choose from felt sense awareness vs reacting from feeling overwhelmed or in pain.

*Disentangle internalized power dynamics steeped in systemic racism, oppression, gender, religion, culture, or community and soul-level assignments.

*Experience and grow deep meaningful lifelong vibrant relationships and community, so they don’t have to play out their avoidant attachment patterns or mother wounds or father complexes in personal and professional relationships.

*Enjoy more joy, fun, playfulness, delight, flexibility, curiosity, aliveness, passion, and pleasure than then knew was possible.

*Get pregnant after years of infertility or miscarriage, as well as navigate complex abortion processes in their 40s.

*Unlock what they’re here to contribute, their psycho-spiritual gifts, their essence/Soul, and their legacy.

*Manifest with their home, land, bright and brave ancestors, guides, and whatever their sense of the Mystery or something bigger than them is.

My Commitment:

I'm committed to providing a safe, supportive space for your healing and growth. My approach is grounded in integrity, respect, and a deep belief in your potential to soar beyond limitations.

Ready to begin your journey towards something MORE? Explore my coaching services and schedule your complimentary 20-minute call today.