Powerful Testimonials | Amy Babish - Somatic Coach & Feng Shui Expert

Read inspiring testimonials from Amy Babish's clients who have transformed their lives with somatic coaching, Feng Shui, and retreats. Discover how she can help you achieve your full potential.

"Amy, thank you for holding this House Therapy container for us and helping us heal/expand the energy within the land we live on and in the house we live in. 

Thank you for your patience and meeting us where we were with no judgement or agenda. 

I originally thought three months felt like a long time for this work and now I'm wishing for more time. 

I know it's work in progress to honor, respect and work with the energy of the land and the house and am grateful for the strong foundation/momentum/curiosity you co-created.   
Thank you for doing/giving more than expected.  Your engagement/commitment to the process was "all in" and not compartmentalized to the "thing" but instead working through an holistic lens. 

Thank you for sharing the somatic tools to help with "overwhelm" and helping us clear energy.   

Thank you for your deep commitment to the process and to us, and caring enough to say the hard things and calling out the elephants in the room.   

As I told my partner, I've been blessed with people who expect me to not just do the superficial level of the work but who ask me to show up and do the deep work.  Thank you Amy for consistently showing up as one of these people in my life; who challenge me with gentle and loving energy to uplevel myself.”

"Your experience with Amy will be unlike any coach, healer, or professional you have seen before.”

“I feel completely different today. I became a real leader, a compassionate leader, and someone who inspires and encourages others. I found truly aligned, incredibly meaningful friendships where we each show up as we really are and support each other’s evolution and growth. I leaned into creating big dreams for myself and I take aligned steps towards them (right now one of my big dreams is a TED talk and professional speaking career). I even sailed through a breast cancer diagnosis and a double mastectomy (during COVID no less) feeling vastly better than I had before the surgery. Most days, I am lit up with life force and I feel more alive in my 50s than I did in my 20s

Amy helped me break through my blocks to make all of these changes, and I know that I would not be where I am today if I had never started coaching with her. Amy has been with me every step of the way, and her insights, intuitive power, and 1000% commitment to me and my big dreams is amazing. Your experience with her will be unlike any coach, healer, or professional you have seen before. If you are considering working with her, don’t hesitate! Make the move.”

"Amy possesses the rare ability to create safe, healing, sacred space that not only supports intergenerational and epigenetic pattern and trauma resolution but cultivates the magic and courage to step forward into the life your soul has longed for over lifetimes.”

“Amy Babish possesses the rare ability to create safe, healing, sacred space that not only supports intergenerational and epigenetic pattern and trauma resolution but cultivates the magic and courage to step forward into the life your soul has longed for over lifetimes.

Through 3 different retreats and over 2 years of individual work, I was supported with the healing, tools, and community necessary to uncover my true sexuality, leave a lackluster and unsupportive marriage, heal many patterns of codependency and over-functioning, fully feel my feelings, and recalibrate my nervous system to allow me to manifest a 100% life - instead of the 80% life I had always told myself was the best I could get.  The safety she created in each experience coupled with her impeccable intuition and vast skillset guided me to realize - and claim - my truth, my strength, my dreams, and my gifts. I will forever be grateful. 

If you are hungry for transformation and considering working with Amy – say yes! Your soul will soar.”

"Amy provided an unprecedented level of safety, empathy, and candor.”

“This safety allowed for trust, which served as the foundation to my incredible 2 year journey with Amy.

When I first met Amy at a women’s group, I immediately picked up on her ability to truly listen, approach each woman with a completely open heart, and observe everyone’s sovereignty as unique, but also a special ability to bring us all together into one vibration through our uniqueness. In short, I felt really seen.

I decided to work with Amy 1:1 which served as a catalyst for my personal transformation and for achieving what I wanted. 

As a minority adopted into a non-minority family, I held a lot of issues that Amy was able to respectfully and keenly work with me to unpack and address.

Amy’s approach is spectacularly different from other therapists that I’ve worked with, and I was immediately drawn to her and her work, and for the first time in my life, felt that I was truly supported.

I have recommended Amy to my dearest friends and I wholeheartedly believe that everyone should take the opportunity to work with her.”

"As a Woman of Color, it was important to me to find someone with a similar background. Someone perhaps with the same cultural background who could understand the complexities and influences of day to day living. ”

“When Amy told me about some of her upcoming offers, I was immediately thrilled for all the people who’d say yes. You see, I’ve worked with Amy for nearly two years now and I know firsthand the impact of saying yes to working with someone who has the qualifications and experience to help a person create the life they’ve always wanted.

As a Woman of Color, it was important to me to find someone with a similar background. Someone perhaps with the same cultural background who could understand the complexities and influences of day to day living. I found people and while they were lovely and relatable, relatable didn’t necessarily mean results. A friend recommended Amy. I booked one private session and decided nothing was off the table. In 90 minutes, I felt I had found the person I had been searching for since early adulthood. Someone who understood, who could reflect back what I was sharing and feeling, someone who helped me see my patterns and the reasons behind those patterns so that I could see how I was benefitting and how they were holding me back. Never with judgment or blame. Always with curiosity, compassion, and options so that I could choose and redesign my life according to me.

I’ve worked with her privately, in group settings, in person, and online. I think it’s probably important to tell you I’m not someone who enjoys group work. I’m usually the first to say no and when it comes to sharing feelings with strangers, it’s a hard pass for me. But what if I told you that my biggest breakthrough came from an in person group retreat where upon arriving I met the first few participants and was thrilled to see I wasn’t the only one who looked like me? Honestly, I didn’t even realize the impact until I noticed how quickly my whole body relaxed before we’d even started. Finally, a group of diverse women I could truly relate to and I didn’t have to share anything I wasn’t comfortable sharing (which usually happens right about after I share my name)?  It’s true. We also did exercises, ceremonies, and processes that were unconventional, spiritual, and fun. All so different from what I had experienced working with others in the past, but all things I had practiced secretly on my own. It didn’t seem weird or unusual. It felt like it was always supposed to be this way.

If you have an opportunity to participate in any of Amy’s programs and you’re truly ready to open yourself up to having a bigger life, say yes. I know it’s exciting and scary and both can be true. It’s also totally worth it to allow yourself to be open to a life that’s bigger than you thought possible. I know it still scares the heck out of me, but I can’t imagine a life without trying. It’s certainly worth it and so are you.”

"Amy helped me to release my fears of a lifetime and truly connect with my heart and calling with one 2 hr session.”

“Amy is phenomenal! She helped me to release my fears of a lifetime and truly connect with my heart and calling with one 2 hr session. Her process is difficult to explain,  but she is extremely efficient and effective at her job. Within an hour of talking to her, my world completely opened and I believe and feel confident within achieving my highest purpose. I am eternally grateful to her for sharing her gift with me!!!”

"Through working with Amy, I gained access to who I really am underneath everything that was holding me back.”

“I learned how much choice I really have, & I grew a total love affair with my body.

The foundation I developed with Amy had a ripple effect into everything I do now professionally and personally.

One of the best things I’ve ever done in my life was to work with Amy & take a chance on myself. 

I am incredibly grateful in every cell of my body. 

I went from surviving with multiple chronic and complex medical conditions to thriving in a way I didn't even know was possible. I have more inner joy than I have ever experienced. My symptoms and pain are minimal, and I know how to partner with my body before anything gets serious.

I previously thought that my experiences in life were who I am. This kept me in a box. 

Engaging with Amy freed me of the boxes I kept putting myself in.

I based who I was on what I had lived through, survived, done, accomplished, etc. This did not allow me to be expansive, be curious, or discover who I really am — until I left the boxes behind. 

I became clear on who I am versus who I am not. I unboxed myself & stopped holding back from myself or the world. This has completely changed my life for the better professionally & personally.

My marriage, my business, my friendships, my professional relationships, my clients, my loved ones, my health, my ability to create, my ability to provide support, & even my relationship with my lineage all benefited significantly from the clarity I received through engaging with Amy.

I now know what it means when someone says “this is life changing.” Engaging with Amy is nothing short of that when you’re all in.

And the impact I now help create is far more potent than I ever dreamed before.”

"I met Amy when I was 2 days sober and living a life without direction or purpose even though on the surface it looked like life was perfect.

“I kept telling myself that I had a pretty good life - good paying job, great partner, lots of travel - I just needed to kick this alcoholism thing.

I can honestly say I don't recognize the man that walked into Amy's office.

I learned that getting sober was the tip of the iceberg of what was possible.

Getting to the genesis of why I became an addict in the first place was challenging to say the least.

I learned the importance of vulnerability and the strength of speaking your truth.

There are so many things I have accomplished that I never thought possible.

Amy came into my life unexpectedly --- a beacon of truth when I thought I already knew the truth.

I now have the opportunity to pay it forward. I am a leader in my global field, in a job I love.

I know how placing value on those who think they are unworthy, can change the dynamic of someone's life. 

This is what Amy did for me, and what I will continue to do.”

"I realized today that following my body allowed me to make dating choices that got me on the right track.”

“The work I’ve done with you on myself, on relationships and on my healing has not only helped me call love into my life, call the right person in and love her in healthy ways but has helped me see how I wasn’t wrong before…I was just still working out my shit. I realized today that following my body allowed me to make dating choices that got me on the right track. The speed dating was right for a time. I needed that. I needed to work out specific things with that method of meeting people. Then it just felt right to hop on apps. It was much less charged and not at all anxious. I had the discernment I needed. I was ready. And immediately met my love, B. We met within 2 weeks of us both getting on. It was DIVINE timing.

Thank you Amy. Thank you. Thank you. I’ve been thinking of you a lot. Your relationship coaching REALLY DOES WORK.”

"Amy facilitated the circle and retreat with a huge amount of depth, wisdom, gentleness, expertise, light spirit and decent amount of down-to-earthiness.

“I had the privilege of attending a global peacebuilding leaders retreat facilitated by Amy in South Africa. The retreat brought together over 30 women peacebuilders in a week long process of ‘peacebuilding with, for peacebuilding without’. For me personally, it was a journey of learning to breathe more deeply, dropping my shoulders and descend into my neglected physical body and learn to listen more to what turned out to be its very loud voice. Doing this in community with incredible agents of change was sacred, overdue and necessary work. Amy facilitated the circle and retreat with a huge amount of depth, wisdom, gentleness, expertise, light spirit and decent amount of down-to-earthiness. Bringing her years of experience, professional and personal and creating a sacred thin space for each of us, individually and collectively to enter a space of healing.

Being held in the space of retreat with my uncertainties, overwhelm and fogginess taught me to allow those parts to be apart of my yes, my willingness to enter in and this work. That they were welcomed, apart of the process, held and I was able to engage them and right size them in the sacredness of the circle. That it was exactly these kinds of spaces that guided me closer to myself, to descend into my body and reacquaint with all it wanted to say and to shift the seat of control/power from my head and ego back to my heart and soul.”

"I began working with Amy when I finally started to come face to face with some persisting negative patterns that I simply couldn’t seem to fix on my own, and the increasingly painful effects they were having on my life and relationships.”

“I felt tired and fed up with myself and ready to take responsibility to make real and lasting change.

I deeply wanted to become a better person and free the me that was subsisting underneath imperceptible layers of noise that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

Unfortunately, like many people experience, I tried out several therapists and left each introduction feeling more alone than I started.

As someone who is deeply intuitive, in touch with my emotions, and irritatingly self-analytical, the guidance these therapists gave me felt hollow, obvious, and not rooted in the same marrow that I hoped to get to.

I didn’t feel seen.  While there was nothing wrong with them necessarily, they simply weren’t for me. I needed/wanted someone I resonated with.

It wasn’t until a tragic house fire a year after I embarked on the journey to find an expert that an even hotter fire (ha) was lit under my ass to survive it, and I found Amy.

I came to Amy with the immediate need to cope and heal, and without a hint of hyperbole what I ended up getting was not only survival but a life radically changed for the better.

Amy was the difference between the fire being the single most traumatic event in my life to it being the beginning of a journey that was so beautiful and positive that all I can feel is thankful.

In woeful short, Amy helps you meet yourself.

While she didn’t change me, she illuminated the me that had been obfuscated by confusion, ego stories, fear, and childhood trauma so that I could be my true self more honestly and earnestly than ever before.

She held a mirror up to a well of pain, sadness and loneliness I had inside me that, while I knew it existed, I had been unconsciously downplaying and invalidating my whole life.

She introduced me to my inner child and taught me how to take care of her the way that She always wished she had been.

She illuminated my path back home to myself and taught me the skills to check in with my body in order to do so - these skills, like learning to ride a bike, are indelible, they’re yours forever.

You can’t forget. They change the way you live and interact with yourself irrevocably.

To work with Amy is a true calling between people.

If you’re feeling drawn in by anything you’ve read from her or you see a little bit of yourself in my testimonial, I urge you to take the chance.

It’s potentially the single most positive decision I’ve ever made for myself.

You deserve to experience the same blooming, the same coming out of the cave into the bright light, that I did.”

"Working with Amy has given me the confidence, courage, and clarity to make decisions in my life and career that, as a result, have catapulted my success to new heights.”

“It’s not very often you come across a coach and guide who is 100% legit and has the professional training and experience to hold sacred space. Amy is that person. Working with Amy has given me the confidence, courage, and clarity to make decisions in my life and career that, as a result, have catapulted my success to new heights. A caring and compassionate soul, Amy brings her whole heart to all of her sessions and you will feel cared for every step of the way. This is next-level healing and visioning. I have Amy on speed dial and I know after your first session, you will too.”

"In the 3+ years I have worked with Amy, the short answer is that I have seen huge shifts.

“About 3 years ago, I knew something was wrong. 

From the outset, everything seemed to be going great. 

I had a successful job in government, where I had a wide professional network & was recognized as an expert in my field. 

I had created a side part-time outlet as a narrative storyteller & had been to several countries working on my own project, borrowing vacation time to do so. 

I had lots of friends, owned my own place, & had a good relationship with my family. 

But at the same time, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't manage to find a partner or a healthy romantic relationship. 

My side gigs were not paying me what I was asking, my most recent contract ended up with me not getting paid, & I was sexually assaulted on a second date. 

How was it that on one hand, I had it so together and, on the other, I kept hitting walls & was being treated so badly? 

It was like I was living two lives- one that was great, & one that was really not great. 

I found Amy through a friend, who recommended I go in with an open mind. 

I had no idea what I was in for, did not have any familiarity with somatic healing, &  was not aware that I had any trauma from my childhood that was still resonating in my life as an adult. 

I had been to another therapist who said I was fine, but if I was fine, why was I so miserable in some really important areas of my life? 

In the 3+ years I have worked with Amy, the short answer is that I have seen huge shifts. 

I've had to do a lot of learning, unlearning, learning to listen to myself, &  re-learn how to handle situations in my personal life & at work. 

But at the end of this time with her, I changed jobs, got promoted in under a year, got a $25K pay raise & have dated dozens of men, to where I can say with confidence that I now know what a healthy relationship dynamic can look like, how I will feel when it is right, that I am worthy of it, & , above all, to set boundaries with others so that I can be cared for & care for myself in ways I didn't know were available to me. 

Amy helped me understand the patterns I was in & helped me find a way out to a new, happier, better path. 

Her methods may seem way out there but they are the only thing that has helped me shift &  see visible changes in how I live my life & the people who are in my life.  

I feel like I have the tools & the capacity to make better choices.

I finally feel like I can have the awesome life that very deep in my psyche I know is meant for me. 

I feel more grounded in how I make decisions & feel like I have more agency in saying what I want & how I deal with what comes my way. 

Which is important because I know I’m on my way to a higher paying job, a partner, a larger home, and having a family. 

All of it. 

Whereas I thought it needed to be difficult, working with Amy has convinced me that good things can come with ease.”

"With Amy’s support, I was empowered to take more ownership of my life.”

“Amy and I met at a critical point of transition in both my personal life and professional life as a medical student. She worked hard to get to know the whole me, including my unique family and cultural and ethnic background, and therefore helped me get to know myself better. With her support, I was empowered to take more ownership of my life. I gained courage to take risks that led me to where I am today, and my relationships with my family, my friends, my patients, and myself are stronger and better now for it.”

"I cannot wait for the opportunity to work with Amy & do another retreat, to continue fueling myself with the power of Amy's brilliance & the connection she provides.

“I joined Amy's retreat in November 2021 slightly uncertain about what to expect, how awkward it would with a circle of strangers, or whether my science & data grounded mind would be open enough for this.

I shouldn't have worried.

The "strangers" quickly turned into kind & curious friends whose openness created a feeling of connectedness that filled a deep longing.

The day was so full of joy, self reflection &  growth that I left feeling more grounded & full than in a long time, brimming with verve for days.

More importantly is what has shifted in me &  happened since: I have been able to use the tools & grounding that Amy gave - directly &  through her facilitation - to make huge decisions, including taking a huge unexpected career leap (which may have actually been manifested at the retreat).

I have new approaches to appreciate my wild & chaotic family, & to find additional reserves to show up for my friends &  colleagues where before I was starting to feel burned out.

I truly come back to something from the retreat every day, &  have pure gratitude for the experience.

I cannot wait for the opportunity to work with Amy & do another retreat, to continue fueling myself with the power of Amy's brilliance & the connection she provides.”

“Every soul is worth this level of investment.”

“Working with Amy - both in group, individually, and with my partner - was transformative for me, in my working life as psychotherapist and in my ways of being in the world. Her always on-point and potent blend of support, challenge, and connection helped me through significant personal and professional transitions, and opened me to new awareness and opportunities. I feel set on a path of living more fully and freely, with more heart space to both give and receive, and can only imagine that so many others feel the same. Every soul is worth this level of investment.”

“Amy deeply listens and peels back your spoken words and physical sensations to the deepest layers of your limiting beliefs.

“Own Your Light (a 6 week group) was an adventure that I didn't want to end. Amy is a brilliant and intuitive teacher. She deeply listens and peels back your spoken words and physical sensations to the deepest layers of your limiting beliefs.  Shortly after the circle started, part of my life tumbled out of control in a way I didn't see coming. It felt messy and uncomfortable. Own Your Light was a safe place to realign each week. Amy guided me directly and indirectly through her teachings and her coaching to the other amazing women in the circle. She skillfully and rapidly shifted my perspective on what was coming up to be healed and released. I had so many lightbulb moments that I felt fully lit up and energized before I knew it. 

Amy is also a true ally. As a Black woman, I have never had the experience of completely letting my guard down in any group. Amy's world of no BS is where fully supported, judgment-free transformation happens. And she is a lot of fun!  Every meeting felt like a spiritual and intellectual adventure. I can't wait to work with her again and I fully recommend investing in any opportunity to receive her direct support and care. It's transformative.”

"I learned how to be in touch with my body, which was life changing!

“I feel so grateful for the retreat and our time together on retreat, and grateful for the work you helped lead us into in that time. I have so many random gratitudes swirling in my head and I wanted to share them with you.

Months out my friends, therapist, and spiritual director notice how maturely I'm dealing with situations that are coming up in my life. They notice how self-aware, calm and level headed I’ve been, and I realise that I AM doing the work to change my patterns! I’ve been able to notice how much my feelings of frustration are stemming from my own need to make meaning of things, or to read into things that others are doing, or because of my own unmet expectations and desires, and so I've been trying to observe that and honour how it feels for me, and also realise that it's my own reaction, not necessarily the other person, that is causing these feelings.

I learned how to be in touch with my body, which was life changing! The work that we did with with the land of Korea and my Korean ancestors shifted what I knew about them. I’d always thought of ancestors as being serious, strong, resilient, courageous women, which of course they are, but it was totally mind blowing to realise I've never thought of them as being silly and playful, which of course they also are!

There is also this concept in Korean culture, han, which is basically this idea of deep sorrow and suffering (which stems from Korea's historical/geographical/political story etc.), which I think of as being a concept I've been able to embrace in the past as a part of how I understand myself, but to the point of it becoming sort of a traumatic aspect of my cultural identity (and of course it's then impacted my spirituality, etc.)... Anyway I started reflecting on it at the retreat and continued to do so after, and have been realising how much I've clung to sort of a warped view of han that has fed into a lot of martyr-like tendencies etc... anyway so I'm trying to release some of that and embrace more of the joy/delight/silliness as also being a part of my heritage.)

I’ve also realised how truly integrated all of the most life-giving spirituality really is - of course there are differences and I don't mean to erase any of the uniquenesses of different religions or minimalize colonization, but I was just so grateful to see that liberating spirituality has had a thread in it that I've been able to follow toward greater freedom.”

"Amy's loving capacity to channel wisdom allowed me to go deep into my body and being to re-find my power and knowing that has been clouded by years of fear-based beliefs.

“I've found it hard to begin to put into words the transformational journey and space Amy held for me and guided me through on the (South Africa) retreat. Amy's loving capacity to channel wisdom allowed me to go deep into my body and being to re-find my power and knowing that has been clouded by years of fear-based beliefs.

I feel that I have been able to emerge from the space Amy held, a human more able to act from my own deep knowing, abundance and connection with divine inspiration. I understand now and have the tools through Amy to channel this knowing through deep connection with my physical body and energetic body for the first time. I do not believe I could have got here on my own, even with all the meditation in the world!

I am eternally grateful for what has been birthed in me and what this will mean for others that I support through different parts of my life from a place of real abundance. Amy has enabled me to better take up my place in the world that the Divine truly wishes for me, helping me to get out my own way. I have peace now more than ever in where I am in my life journey and am excited to keep trusting in all that I will co-create with the Universe."

"Working with Amy changed my life. I don't say that lightly…”

“The South Africa Retreat WAS AMAZEBALLS!  Working with Amy changed my life. I don't say that lightly and the list of people I'd say that about is shorter than the number of fingers on one hand. When I finally surrendered to doing the work that I needed to do for my own healing, self-forgiveness, playing small, people pleasing, perfectionism and even self-sabotage, Amy was there to facilitate my own powerful becoming. I am more aware, clear and loving toward myself than I can ever remember being. It's hard work to break these patterns that I was convinced were keeping me safe but I know the truth now because I've experienced it in my body, in my deepest knowing and I believe that working with Amy is helping me become the healer and teacher that I've always been destined to be.”

"I’m already experiencing a shift in the way I experience my inner sexuality- liberated from trauma anxiety/memories. Amazing!”

“Since the retreat, I’m feeling more grounded, more ease and being able to express myself, a subtle way of being able to speak without hesitation or fear, more ease of choosing my words. Out of overthinking. Love it.

I’m already experiencing a shift in the way I experience my inner sexuality- liberated from trauma anxiety/memories. Amazing!

It feels like the work we did this weekend called in this next step for me on the journey of ancestral healing. It’s the first time I haven’t felt any hesitation or fear around the thought of communicating this with my mother. Mostly because I know now that it will come from a place of love and understanding. Not anger or grief. 

Thank you: One of the most beautiful gifts that I received in the retreat was the ability to be in a group of diverse women, to be able to experience the process with other women who also have traumas from the process of immigrating for example; or simply to not be the only one in the room with dark skin-which has been my experience so often throughout my life, and has contributed to my re-traumatization. 

Thank you for being able to do what so many only speak of - which is truly making your work anti-racist. I must speak with you further about this and how you’ve intentionally created this in your work and in your life because it’s wonderful.”

"My biggest takeaway is a richer understanding of what it means to live as your True Self.”

“After class yesterday I ran into a woman I hadn't seen in a couple of years. She doubled back around to grab my arm and tell me - you look so different! You're glowing! The compliment landed differently because of what we had discussed in class about knowing when we are on the right path :)

I really got a lot of value in the 4 weeks. I enjoyed the format and I especially enjoyed the meditations and having the YouTube videos to keep. I listen to them regularly and I take something different away each time. The teachings are exactly what I needed. I really liked the hour format and how you kept things moving. It's packed with information, but knowing you can watch it again and again takes the pressure off.

I received so much value from Relationship Alchemy (a group weekly class). My biggest takeaway is a richer understanding of what it means to live as your True Self. I've listened to the session recordings many times over, and I continue to absorb new information and insights. Amy's teaching style is generous, intentional, engaging and really fun. I especially enjoyed the final Q&A session. Her gentle coaching around my question provided me with a complete shift in perspective and a breakthrough around a challenging issue. She also equipped us with somatic tools and meditations that I practice everyday. I've noticed a change and others have too.”

"One of the key characteristics of the space for me as well was how much you held the difference in the room with such integrity, naming what was yours and what wasn’t, reminding us of the choices we had to believe or not and welcoming us to just be willing.”

“The process of being in circle on the South Africa Retreat was as always such a powerful space, the container you built to hold each person and for us to hold each other was tangible safe and sacred. A part of that that I felt was helpful was knowing the general rhythms of the day, early on experiencing what circle work would be like, having meditations and the check-ins as a regular anchor, you talking us through where we were going, when breaks would be, what you weren’t sure of as well in terms what might come next.

I was surprised over and over how much I/we were able to hold the personal process that was happening at the same time as breathing for and with those who were actually going through the process out loud.

One of the key characteristics of the space for me as well was how much you held the difference in the room with such integrity, naming what was yours and what wasn’t, reminding us of the choices we had to believe or not and welcoming us to just be willing.”

"I’m able to remember that I am the one who makes me real, and that my value is intrinsic. You taught me how to create this home in myself.”

“I’m newly in mutual love with someone who makes me feel so safe & seen for who I truly am. It is only because of our work together that I was prepared to find or receive this love, and to remember the importance of loving myself. While I still have my spirals on occasion, I’m able to remember that I am the one who makes me real, and that my value is intrinsic. You taught me how to create this home in myself. You helped me see that I am the only one who can make me real, and that the relationship I have with myself is the most important one. I truly see this as a culmination of my whole life’s striving to be better & crack my own internal mysteries, with your incalculable help.

I am forever grateful to you. Forever sending you my love.”

"Today, two months post retreat, the overarching feeling is freedom.”

“Prior to coming for the South Africa retreat and before receiving the detailed email from Amy, from the description of what the retreat was about, I expected to come and sit conference style and receive information, top-down, and strategies for implementation of peace building.

After receiving the email from Amy, my expectations were realigned, not to something in specific though. But I knew my mind would have to be open to what I was going to experience. I trusted in the people through whom the invite to this retreat had come, so I was eager for what was going to happen.

Sitting in this quiet corner of a small plaza of restaurants, I realize it’s been 41 days since the retreat ended. With clarity, and a sense of resounding, what still sits with me is that I am responsible for only my emotions (which are just what they are, not good, or bad). This meant I was given permission to feel everything that sprung up in my body, without judgment. Having been socialized in a manner that taught me to suppress most, if not all emotions for a false semblance of control over one’s life and affairs, I first resisted what was being said. My ego had been taught, since the time I can remember that emotions were unwelcome because they rendered one irrational, undisciplined, more so for women. So, sitting here in this quiet corner of a small plaza of restaurants, feeling all I am feeling, without labeling what I’m feeling in my body as good or bad, there is a sense of freedom to be. To exist authentically. Without apologizing for who I am. With my immediate community (family) I find myself much less judgmental to both myself and my family. Specifically, with my 7-year-old nephew with whom I live, I find myself more intentional that he is not socialized to suppress his emotions, just as I was taught. Rather, supporting him in a healthy way to allow himself to feel what he’s feeling and helping him know he is not judged for it, has changed the dynamic of our relationship; veering off the path of toxic to healthy.

Today, two months post retreat, the overarching feeling is freedom, in spite of my underlying conditions that predispose me to depression. I trust that the universe hold me. I am neither too much, nor too little (insignificant). I am enough, and I am worthy. I am grateful to you, Amy, for the gift you are to me, to yourself, and to the world. May the Universe and Divine bless you, and open more doors for the amazing person you are, and work you do.”

"I realized the next day that the retreat fell on the same day as a last day at my toxic last job, when I finally stood up for myself. It felt like a full circle of completion, and the first page of a new chapter.”

“The retreat was such a transformative experience. The 'River of Life/River of Death' imagery has unexpectedly been my biggest takeaway. I was able to visualize the rivers with so much detail that I recognize what being in each one feels like. Since leaving the retreat, it has seamlessly become a decision filter for me.  I've been using it for the smallest decisions and bigger ones. This filter feels maintainable and gentle, like the exact next step I needed.  The day itself was such a deep breath and exhale. Listening to the other women's stories and witnessing the synchronicities was so healing and transformative. Thank you for making this such a safe space for the Black and Brown women. I alternated between scribbling the words of  wisdom and 'aha's' in my notebook and being moved to tears by the beauty and magic of it all. It was such a fun, hard and beautiful adventure of a day and I left with so much more than I could have imagined. Thank you so much, I can't wait to see how the future unfolds. 

You have been such a gift to me - I realized the next day that the retreat fell on the same day as a last day at my toxic last job, when I finally stood up for myself. It felt like a full circle of completion, and the first page of a new chapter.”

"Amy was an incredible guide in this process.

“I had the enormous privilege of attending a retreat facilitated by Amy. It was a deeply significant time which has marked me in many different ways, and I know that as the seeds that were sown continue to unfurl, it will be a gift that keeps on giving for a long time to come. Amy is wonderful- someone with equal measure of incredible skill as well as deep trust in the elements that lie outside of any of our ability to control them. I think this trust is one of the things I appreciated and learned from most of all; an embodied reminder that God and the universe are fully in our corner and collaborate with us wholeheartedly when we say yes to wholeness and liberation. I also learned to listen to and hear my body, to listen to and hear my sacred ‘no’ and equally sacred ‘yes’, to live into my sovereignty, making space for the fullness of not only myself but those around me. Amy was an incredible guide in this process. She is wise, experienced, hilarious, authentic, safe, teachable, generous and kind, and I am deeply grateful for the gift of this space.”

"It's truly miraculous how much my life has changed.”

“I am beyond grateful for how you have supported and guided me the past few months. It's truly miraculous how much my life has changed. You have surrounded me with so many tools and resources to support my spiritual awakening. And most importantly, I feel connected to myself in a way that I have never experienced before. I'm amazed by how my nervous system is resetting and now responds differently to external stimuli.”

"I feel so much clearer on my desires, ability, and much more sure of myself.”

“Words cannot explain how transformational the retreat. When I saw your email, I felt a pull that I needed to attend and I am so thankful I listened to that feeling. It was everything I needed and more. I went in with an open mind and heart and I am amazed at how much I received from this short retreat. I was surprised by the power and connection with a group of women I never met before, especially as a Black woman. I heard so much of my story in their words and got so much from their sharing. For me, everything worked. I am hoping to participate in future retreat offerings with you. I feel so much clearer on my desires, ability, and much more sure of myself. Thank you so much for checking in with me and ensuring I was comfortable. It truly made me feel welcome and seen.”

"House Therapy: This feels like a miracle and such a big shift.”

“One of my biggest longing since we started dating was for us to see a couples therapist and XX has always refused… this House Therapy Coaching process felt like the safe space I wanted us to experience through therapy.  Thank you for creating that.  I hope that this will allow him to be open to it going forward.  This feels like a miracle and such a big shift.  Thank you thank you thank you ❤️.  I continue to feel so blessed that you are part of my helpful people in this lifetime.”